Wanna Ride?

This is the second half of the scene I wrote where Hansley brings Lemon home on his bike one night and they stop for ice cream. They were also going to stop for a fuck but I wanted to keep their encounter on the sweet side. I removed this section and decided to keep it for the bonus, changing it up a little to show them in a more comfortable place in their relationship where you can really see their personalities as they get more confident with each other. 


It’s almost a shame that I can’t see my new helmet. To prove that my phone is always listening, once I started commenting about riding Hansley’s bike (no pun intended, usually), bike videos started popping up in my feeds on all my social media platforms. At first, I was annoyed because we know we’re spied on. They don’t need to rub it in our faces.

But then I started getting into the videos. Following these groups of biker friends who are covered from head to toe with full head masks. They tease and flirt and do silly things. Oh! And the guy who bet his friends something and his friends lost so they had to wear a French maid outfit for the day while they rode!

Did I find a French maid outfit? Why, yes I did. I’m just not sure when I want to break that out for a ride. This time I’m not sure whether I mean that as a pun or literal.

Then I found a couple riders who have their full-face masks covered in a bunny head with big floppy ears and shit. I was absolutely entranced and made Hansley watch their videos for like an hour one night.

Last week this man comes home with a new helmet. Not a bunny mask but it’s pink, covered in rhinestones, and has a fucking crown on top of it! I’m in love. Seriously. I’m not even sure which I’m in love with more.

The way people look at us as we fly by! It’s the kind of awe and attention a queen deserves.

Perhaps the thing that makes me fall for Hansley a little more every day is that he embraces everything about me. It’s not tolerance, which is what I’d experienced in most relationships where my partner says, “Yes, this is just the way he is. You learn to live with it.”

Hansley doesn’t just live with it. He supports everything about me. My love for football and crowns. My wild leggings and my need for reassurance. There’s never any annoyance, even when I’m feeling insecure for an entire day. No.

Instead, he figures it out early and spends as much of the day with me as he possibly can. He’ll set up his work at my couch in my office, just so he’s in the same room. He has flowers delivered to me all the time, always with little notes that tell me how much he adores me. It’s never a simple ‘I love you’. In fact, I’m not sure he’s ever written those words.

They’re different things like, Congratulations on your win. You blew Alka out of the water! I can’t stop thinking about you. You’re having a very good hair day.

That last one was because he’d seen me fussing with my hair all morning, every time we ran into each other because I was self-conscious that I had helmet hair. I was confident that the mirror was lying.

But my boyfriend was not lying.

He says all the right things and just… melts my heart. I swear, I’m a puddle for him.

I glance at our shadows as we ride down the street, thinking of all the reasons why I love this man. How ridiculous that I thought I could ever hate him. He’s too good. Too sweet. Too handsome.

My shadow definitely shows that there’s a crown on my head but there’s no hint of sparkle. Pity. Shadows should have some sparkle too. Everything deserves to shine.

We pull up to a light and pause. A car pulls alongside us. I look over and there’s three girls in there, checking out my man. Like, full on giggles and trying to show their breasts. As if I’m not even here.

Hansley isn’t paying attention. He’s sitting upright, his hands on my legs as he stares at the light. But I’m watching. So I raise my hand up to his big man boob and give it a squeeze.

I feel him chuckle. Now the girls’ attention is on me. I grin, though they can’t see that through my visor. Bringing my other hand up, I grip both of Hansley’s chesticles and give them a very inappropriate honk honk.

He laughs and pushes my hands down, securing them around his waist. The light turns green and he leans forward. We cruise down the road, bypassing the girls in the car. With one hand, I flip my skirt behind me and then flash them the birdie.

My man, bitches. Back off! I worked hard to get this man. Actually, by all accounts, I worked hard to repel this man. I was a class A bitch, and he still wanted me. That’s true love right there.

Just because I can, I drop my hand and grip Hansley’s cock through his pants. He twitches against my hand and I grin. He’s always so responsive to me. I rub him, flexing my hand softly, feeling the way he starts to harden.

Hansley slows and we turn down a road, off the highway, and cruise along. The road becomes more rural as we drive, the houses getting further apart until there’s a mile between them. Then there’s just grass. The grass gives way to trees and we’re driving under a canopy on a single lane road with the warm evening air brushing against me.

After some time, Hansley slows again, and we turn onto a dirt road. We wind along the curving path, keeping a slow pace since he’s not driving with dirt tires, or something. He explained it once but I forgot what he said. I equated it to different tires for different seasons. In this case, different kinds of roads.


Anyway, he finally pulls to a stop and shuts the engine off. We’re in the middle of the woods.

“This is where you’re going to leave me, isn’t it?” I say mournfully, my hand gripping his hard dick tightly. “You were just waiting for the right time.”

Hansley chuckles. He removes my hand from his crotch, and I lament at the absence of his handle. He pulls me away and I’m forced to climb off the bike or fall on my face on my way down. Once I’m on my feet, he taps at my helmet so I work on getting it off while I watch him through my visor do the same.

I set mine on a stump, careful to make sure it’s not dirty and there aren’t any visible bugs around it. Then I straighten my fanny pack. When I turn, Hansley pulls me to his side and kisses me hard. I groan, immediately melting into his hold until he’s practically holding me up.

“You trying to get us in an accident?” he asks.

“Nooo,” I say. “I’m too young to die.”

“Mm. Then why are you playing with my cock while I’m driving?”

“Don’t guys all dream of getting road head?” I ask, trying to sound all innocent.

He snorts. “Not on a bike, sweetheart.”

“Oh. Well, in that case, I was just hanging on to the best handle I could reach.” I bat my lashes at him.

Hansley’s hand drops to my ass and he squeezes it hard. I catch my breath. “You have condoms in your raccoon?”

I blink at him before bursting into laughter. “My raccoon? Is that a code word for something?”

“This cute little face on your ass pack.”

“Oh! That’s a badger, Hansley. Honestly. And yes, of course. Always.”

“Badger, raccoon. Whatever.”

The next thing I know, he’s pulling me in front of him so I’m straddling the bike too, my back to his chest. With one big hand between my shoulders, he pushes me over so I’m laying across the fuel tank, my face in the meters and stuff.

I hear the zipper. I feel his hand reach between us, where his hard dick is pressing against my ass through our clothing. I try to twist around so I can see him, but he doesn’t let me. I want to pout, but my dick is liking whatever he’s doing. His hand brushes me in all the right ways.

Then my leggings are pulled down, exposing my ass to the forest. My eyes widen and I look around, waiting for someone to jump out and scream that we’re in public. They don’t. Because we’re alone.

The bite of the cold lube Hansley drips on my ass crack has me jerking, though he continues to keep me right where I am. His fingers follow the drops, pushing the lube between my cheeks. He teases my hole for a single pass before pushing a finger inside me.

I gasp as he shoves it in deep. I nearly jump off the bike when he adds a second finger in right away. My hands flail as he stretches me and I grip the handlebars. “Hansley,” I say, breathless.

“You want to tease me while I drive,” he murmurs, fucking my ass with purpose with his fingers, “then you’re going to let me fuck you on the back of my bike.”

I shiver and then choke on my tongue when a third finger presses inside me.

This is a really unfair position. Not only do I have zero leverage since my feet don’t touch the ground, but I’m absolutely at his mercy. Not that being his toy bothers me. Not at all. But what if a bug falls from the trees above us. Oh! What if a bird shits on us? What if someone drives down this trail when he’s-

Every thought stutters to a stop when the head of his dick starts pushing inside me. “Fuck, Hansley,” I grunt, trying to move at all. It’s overwhelming. He’s so… “Fuck.”

“That’s the plan,” he agrees. “Time to get fucked, my queen.”

He pulls my body down so my crotch is nestled fully in his seat. Hansley blankets his body over mine, his hands covering mine on the handles, his lips at my ear. “You still think my dick is a handle for you when we ride?”

I nod and he shoves in deep. A cry rips from my throat as my entire body jerks. “Hansley!” I screech, eyes rolling. He pulls out and then snaps back in. Deep and hard. Fuck. This angle. It’s like he has no choice at all but to hit my prostate because of how we’re bent.

“I’m going to come on your bike!” I wail.

He chuckles. It’s sexy and deep and maybe a little uneven, which I take great pride in.

“No, you’re not. Your cock is still very much in your pants.”

Horror courses through me. “Hansley, please. I don’t want to-”

No more words come out as he fucks me into the bike seat. Slap. Slap. Slap. The sounds of our bodies banging together echo off the trees. My voice bounces around before ricocheting back to me too. I cry out, my orgasm is so close. It’s right there.

But I don’t let it fall. If I do, I’m going to have a mess in my pants for who knows how long until we get back home.

His thrusts become harsher, irregular. It’s not often that he lets himself go like this. At least, not until he’s gotten me off first and I’m a limp noodle under him. Maybe he likes the way I’m squirming. Desperately needing release but refusing to give in.

Gah. It aches. My cock throbs. Let’s not even talk about the fact that it’s being pressed like a log of bread dough being kneaded by rough, intense hands. I ache to the point where I almost hurt.

I know when Hansley comes. Not just because he buries deep and groans into my ear, biting the shell of it, but because I can feel the way his dick grows a heartbeat all its own. It pulses in my ass. Bum. Bum. Bum. Bum.

“This was a good pitstop,” he murmurs.

All decorum lost, I whine.

Hansley chuckles and pulls me up. He shifts our positions but doesn’t take his dick out of my ass. Just scoops me backwards as he sits up. He shoves my pants down over my dick and grips me tightly. He’s jerking me with purpose.

“Come on, beautiful. Come on my dick before I fall out,” he murmurs. His mouth closes around the bare skin of my shoulder, which seems to be his favorite place to suck.

It doesn’t take me long and I lose my battle to keep it in. I squirt, my body jerking, my animal cries filling the forest around us. I swear, there’s a family of squirrels watching us. Judging. But the way my muscles shake and spasm, I couldn’t care less right now. It’s hard to care when intense pleasure fills every nerve in your body.

I’m panting. If it weren’t for the firm grip Hansley has on me, I’d likely have fallen to the forest floor and become a puddle of used up goo.

“On second thought, you can use my cock as a handle any time you want. Fucking on my bike is definitely one of my favorite uses for it.”

“Hmdng,” I answer because that’s the best I can do right now.

He chuckles. “I’ve thought of at least three more positions to try. I’m going to fuck you like this every time you decide to use my dick as a handle, Lemon. Understand?”

“I don’t think that’s the threat you intend it to be.” My words slur.

His hand around my neck twists my head until he can take my mouth. It’s a strange angle for a kiss but my dick twitches in response. “It’s a promise, Lem,” he murmurs. “I’ll very happily fuck your jealousy away any time you need me to.”

My cheeks heat. I hadn’t realized he’d been paying attention.

“Love you,” he says, his arms wrapping around me in a tight hug. Even with my dick out, his no longer in my ass but slick against my crack, I sink into his hug and close my eyes. “You’re mine, Lemon Frost. I choose you.”

His words always make emotions get loud in my chest. I swallow them down because – ew!

“I love you,” I whisper back. “Please don’t ever change your mind. Don’t ever regret your choice.”

Hansley sighs. “We’re going to have to go for a second round, aren’t we?”

I laugh, incredulously. “What?”

“Clearly you need more convincing that I’m very happy with my choices in life. I need to show you that, to date, you’re the best choice I’ve made. Since I’m short on options to do so right now, I’m hoping my dick in your ass speaks the right language.”

A shudder runs through me. “I’m old,” I whine. “I need a minute.”

Hansley chuckles. His lips press to my ear, and he whispers. “I. Love. You. You’re entirely worthy of being loved so I need you to stop trying to put your walls back up for protection. I’m here. I’m staying. I’m not changing my mind.”

Sometimes I forget that he hears the words I say just as I mean them. I forget, maybe by choice, that I’ve unloaded all my truths for him to keep. I close my eyes and nod.

He’s going to keep me. I want to be kept forever.


Take Two