The Spoiling of Princess V


The sun is bright when I open my eyes. Orson is still wrapped around me, big spooning me. I smile and sigh.

“Happy Valentine’s Day, princess,” he says, kissing my shoulder.

I grin. This is my first Valentine’s Day since moving in with my guys. “Happy Valentine’s Day,” I say in return.

“Ready to get up? We have a whole day planned.”

“We do?” I ask.

“Definitely. It’s time to officially begin the spoiling of Princess V,” he declares.

I laugh, but the smile on my face can’t be helped.

Orson kisses me again and extracts himself. “Come on. First on the agenda is the royal spa tub, complete with aromatherapy, bubbles, and candles.”

Letting him pull me into my bedroom, I find that my bath has already been run as if someone knew I was going to wake up just now. Orson helps me climb in but doesn’t join me. “Clean up. Extra good.” He winks, and I bow my head to hide my blush. Yep, I still blush. A lot.

When I’m thoroughly cleaned in all the ways he hinted at, I climb out and wrap an extra-large red towel around me. It’s new, one I’ve never seen before. It’s so big that it wraps around me almost twice! Best. Towel. Ever.

Arriving back in my bedroom, I find a dress laid out on my bed. There’s a jock, socks, and a tiara, too. The smile doesn’t leave my face as I get myself dressed. While it’s not extravagant, it’s so super soft it feels like something an actual princess might wear.

I find my family in the kitchen, and I’m greeted with a chorus of ‘Happy Valentine’s Days’ by the rest of the household. The kids are sitting at the table with red heart-shaped pancakes covered in whipped cream and berries.

“Sit,” Wren says, kissing my cheek on his way by. “Breakfast. Princes and princesses need to eat and gather their strength for the day.”

“What are we doing today?” I ask.

Wren just smiles. By the way the kids are smiling at me, I think they know too.

The day is filled with things I might never have imagined. All family oriented so that we have the kids involved too. I love to see their smiles and hear their giggles. I love how much they seem to like me. Even Destin.

After my brother’s visit, Destin and I became friends. We talk all the time now. I really love it. Sometimes he even calls me princess. I’ve caught all the kids doing it and… I sorta love it. Like, instead of a parental title, they call me princess.

After breakfast, we baked all sorts of heart-shaped things, then ate them. When we were filled with sugar, we crashed in the den, curled up under a bunch of blankets, within a fort built of sheets, furniture, and twinkly lights, to watch a movie.

Once we were well rested, we moved on to playing games and then went on a family hike. I’d never gone on a hike with the kids, but it was so much fun. Jasmine and Destin had their phones out, and were taking pictures of everything. Since Coraline didn’t have her own phone, Zvi handed his over to her and let Coraline snap away.

Dinner consisted of three different kinds of delivery, including Rosita’s. It’s still my favorite. We cleaned up together and made a mess with the water all over the kitchen. Once we were dried off, we sang karaoke in the family room.

By the time we got the kids into bed and read stories for an hour, I was beat. Happy. Elated. I can’t remember ever having such a good day as this one. A family day. I’ve never been part of this kind of family before. It’s almost surreal to be here. That they want me here and they shared their day with me.

I’m still floating as I move down the hall to my room to change. I can’t get over how happy I am. How much has changed in so short a time. My life went from being miserably alone to being so full that I can hardly catch my breath some days.

In a good way. In fact, I never want to catch my breath. I just want this family. I want them to be my family.

When I walk into my room, I nearly trip and fall on my face. It’s only the door that catches me as I grip it tightly and try to right myself. Thank goodness for strong hinges.

My enormous round bed is covered with things. Stuffed animals, flowers, chocolates, pretty dresses, tiaras. There are these little burst things that look like fireworks, but without the fire. And then there are battery-operated candles covering every single surface in my room. There must be hundreds of all different shapes and sizes! Flickering and beautiful.

There are petals on the floor, but I think they’re fake because they’d stain the white plush carpet if I stepped on them. I take a step forward and then cross the room to look at my bed. Crouching down so I can see them all, there are so many things to look at, I’m not sure where to begin.

I see cards too. Four. And little cakes. Adorable little knickknacks. Oh, and a big blanket under it all that’s super soft and fluffy.

A hand touches my shoulder and I turn my face to see Luca’s smile. “Did you do this?”

“I had help,” he says, shrugging.

“But… when? You’ve been with me all day,”

“Have I, though?”

Hasn’t he??

“We took turns disappearing for a bit to set up when you were preoccupied with other things.”

My heart races as I look back at the bed. “You really did this for me?” I whisper.

Luca moves behind me, draping his arms over my shoulders and down my chest, resting his chin on my shoulder. “We would give you the stars if we could figure out how to take them from the sky.”

I grip his arms and close my eyes. “Sometimes, I can’t believe you’re real.”

“Mm,” he answers. “I know the feeling. Perfection like you shouldn’t exist. It’s not fair that it’s all in a single man.”

He always says such nice things and the best part is he means them. I’ve never gotten the impression that he says anything just to please me. Luca is entirely genuine.

He really thinks I’m perfect. I’m not sure how he doesn’t see all my flaws, but I hope he stays blind to them.

“Think we can convince you to bend over the bed?” Wren asks from the doorway where he’s blocking it with Orson.

My cheeks get pink as I look at him and I bite my lip. Before I can answer, Zvi maneuvers his way into the room between the two and shakes his head. “Nope. This way, Princess V. If you’re going to be on your knees on this special day, it’s going to be on a cushion.”

He offers me his hand and I swear, I have no volition in my body at all. Even though I have no idea what they have planned, every single cell in my body is on board.

Zvi pulls me to my feet. He really does. All my bulk and it’s as if I weigh nothing to any of them.

Next to the window is an oversized chair. He guides me into the chair so I’m facing out the window and then pushes me gently this way and that until my face is practically pressing against the glass and my ass cheeks are pushed way out.

I’m relieved that we’re not only on the second floor but it’s dark out so no one can see how burning red my face is right now. Plus, with the size of Orson’s property, there’s nobody around to look into our windows.

“Have I ever told you how much I love that your favorite clothing is skirts or dresses?” Wren asks and I feel his hands move up the backs of my thighs and over my bare ass. His fingers don’t even get caught on the straps of my jock just under my ass cheeks as he continues his exploration.

I lick my lips and nod.

“Mm,” he says. The low tone in his voice makes me shiver just as much as his fingers gliding up my crack do.

Wren teases my hole and I close my eyes, trying to keep myself still. But when his mouth is suddenly there, I moan and my entire body squirms. He licks and sucks, pushing against my pucker just enough to tease me without breaching my body.

It’s not his tongue that pushes its way in first, though. His finger does, and he moves it around, pulling against my ring of muscle to stretch me. That’s when his mouth returns and he sticks his tongue inside me, spearing me and making my hips jerk.

There’s rustling around the room that I barely hear. When I open my eyes, all I can make out in the reflections on the window are shadows being cast by the flickering glow of the fake candles. But I’m distracted again when Wren’s hand covers my cock, rubbing it inside the jock as he feasts on my hole.

I think I’m leaking. Hell, I think I’m drooling. I lick my lips and yep, definitely drooling.

“Want to ride me, Princess V?” Wren asks and I nod rapidly. I want nothing more than that right now!

His mouth leaves me, but his finger replaces his tongue. Two and then three as he works me open.

“Up,” he says after a few minutes, and I scramble from the chair, feeling a bit lightheaded already. He takes my place, sitting where I was kneeling, and then pats his lap. “Turn around. Sit here.”

I look at him and bite my lip.

“Don’t even say it,” Zvi chastises. “You’re not going to hurt him at all. Get on that dick, teddy bear.”

“I know you think it’s stuffing, but it weighs more than that,” I say and turn around.

I’m surrounded by quiet laughter as I grip the arms of the chair to bear some of my weight. I manage to keep myself suspended until Wren’s dick begins to slide inside me. With my muscles tense to hold my weight, it’s extra tight and I’m already panting.

His hands grasp my hips, and he pulls me down. It wasn’t meant to be quick, but suddenly he’s bearing all my weight on his lap and his dick is deep inside me. My head falls back, and I groan, my body shuddering and shaking as it settles.

Luca moves in front of me and pushes my legs up so my knees reach for my chest. It’s all I can do to hang on now while they have my balance completely suspended between them, with Wren slowly fucking up into me.

“Take your cock out for me, princess,” Luca says.

It’s a struggle to do anything coordinated or purposeful right now, but I manage to clumsily get my dick out. Then his mouth is on me and I almost cry out. While he sucks and nips, his fingers play with my hole, sliding in with Wren’s dick.

It’s extra. Extra full. A little more burn. Just when that becomes normal and I no longer feel the difference, he slides his finger in deeper. Then adds a second. And a third. It’s a very strange feeling that I can’t really concentrate on. Not with the way his mouth moves over my dick or the way Wren’s cock is positioned just right to hit my prostate with every single thrust.

Luca’s mouth pops off my cock and he leans over me. “How do you feel about two dicks in your pretty ass, princess?”

I whine as I nod. “Yes. Please.”

“Zvi? Want to give our princess something to suck on?” Luca asks.

Zvi is at my side in a blink, and I waste no time reaching for him with one arm. It curls between his legs and up his back. He laughs as he falls into me, but his laughter turns into a groan as I find his sexy dick and take it into my mouth.

I’ve never had two dicks in my ass before. With every stretch and burn, every sting with more depth reached, I pull Zvi closer. My hand is at the small of his back so that he’s basically riding my arm. I can tell by the way he’s gripping the chair that his feet aren’t on the ground anymore.

Not that he seems to mind. The sounds he makes are dirty. I love them. They’re distracting from the overwhelming feel of an additional dick making its way into my ass.

It’s not pain, exactly. But it’s too full. I can feel too much.

“Perfect,” Luca says and I realize he’s moving inside me now. No longer working his way in and in and in. But now thrusting in time with Wren.

All those noises I hear aren’t just from Zvi. They’re mine too. Muffled around Zvi’s dick.

And then Luca’s noises join and I know from the sounds he makes and the way his hips move that Orson’s now fucking him too.

My dick throbs. Pleasure bubbles just under the surface, waiting to explode. My head spins. I swallow Zvi down more and groan as my orgasm climbs.

I don’t want this moment to end. I want to stay like this forever. The five of us connected just like this. It’s not just sex anymore. Feeling good isn’t what’s most important. It’s being together in this way where there are no barriers.

“Love you,” Wren whispers, his mouth somehow at my shoulder. How am I not crushing him? Especially with Orson via Luca shoving into us so hard.

Oh! It is hard. Realizing that makes my orgasm peak. I’m teetering so close to the edge, my senses are overwhelming me.

I grip Wren’s hand. With a mouth full of dick, I obviously can’t speak, but I hope he knows I feel the same about him.

And then my orgasm crashes through me, and I cry out around Zvi’s dick. It’s all I can hear for a long time are the sounds I make as my climax ebbs and wanes.

Later, I find myself on my bed amongst all the soft stuff. The candies and cards and flowers and things have been removed. We’re curled together, still covered in sweat and my cum.

“Happy Valentine’s Day, Vulcan,” Zvi says, his head on my stomach. He’s laying between my legs and hugging me around the middle, using my stomach as a pillow. He lies like that often, and says he loves how soft I am. It’s his comfort place.

“Happy Valentine’s Day,” I whisper back. “This was the most perfect day ever. Thank you.”

“The start of many,” Luca says. “Every day will be better than the last.”

“I don’t need it to be better. I just need this.”

“You may not need it, but we want to give it to you,” Orson says.

I close my eyes and hug them all. Somehow. Some way. I want to touch them all. There aren’t enough words to express how much I love them. I hope they know. This is my family, and I don’t ever want to live a day without it.

I’m overcome with a sense of this is where I was always meant to be. I just had to wait until the right time. Now that it’s that time, I’m keeping it forever.


Just Say Yes


Is Tú Mo Ghrá