Cinderella, but Make it Gay


Next summer

Shortly after Toby asked me to marry him, he said that he wanted a Cinderella wedding. I had no idea what that meant but I began research immediately. There were some very clear themes to note—Cinderella is in all white, there’s a pumpkin chariot, glass slippers, midnight, and the most obvious is the fairy tale happily ever after.

While on the road at away games in December and January, I started making calls and doing research on what this might look like. I had a baker propose cake designs. I found numerous locations—castles, obviously. And even sourced the purchase of a Cinderella-esque carriage.

On Valentine’s Day, I presented it all to him and the look of shock and awe on his face was well worth the time and energy I put into this research. However, the price tag turned him off entirely.

“I just meant I wanted it magical,” Toby explained, shaking his head. “That’s far too much money for a single day!”

“I’d pay three times that if it made you happy,” I told him. “Besides, we both want a fairy tale.”

It took me a while to convince him we could absolutely spoil ourselves on this one day and spend more than a lot of people make in a year. But it’s totally worth every penny.

Especially as I stand outside the castle I found in southern California. It’s not quite Cinderella’s, but it’s got this enormous arched window in the front and even a turret. There’s also a balcony. We got a night free because I bought the Cinderella carriage and offered to leave it for the venue because what the hell am I going to do with it?

Our cake is three tiers, all white, with pearls and crystals. There’s space between each tier with a mirror ‘floor’ and then a glass terrarium space in the middle with a curtain of crystals hanging down. The first terrarium has working clocks ticking away. The second holds a glass slipper since neither of us could be convinced to wear them. While the third has two grooms in white dancing. And on top of the third tier is a castle made of sugar.

The tables are dressed all in white with punches of deep blue here and there. Our guest book is a fat fairy tale book and you sign it with a quill. Each nameplate is marked with a metal pumpkin chariot and the guests’ name. The centerpieces are all slightly different, ranging from a white silk pillow with a glass slipper, to a tall waterfall of flowers hanging down.

Honestly, it looks even more magical than I thought it would. It was bordering on cheesy in my head because even though I talked Toby into this dream, I wasn’t sure how it was all going to come together.

Thankfully, a very expensive wedding planner made my vision fit like a seamless puzzle. I couldn’t be happier at all.


I turn to find Hugo at the end of the path and burst out laughing. He’s our flower man and he’s dressed like the servant guy in the movie who carries around the glass slipper on his silk pillow. Honestly, he’s a ham and loving every fucking minute of it.

“Come on. He’s going to be waiting for you and you’re not going to be there!”

We’re doing a first look.

Since I’ve been lumped in with the ‘Gays Can Play’ crowd, I’ve become friends with quite a few of them. Including Owen and his sweet boyfriend who sews magic. We hired him to make our suits.

It was tricky because we were keeping this one thing from each other. The only meeting we had with Zak together was the very first. We told him our overall wedding day vision and then had separate meetings for us to tell him what we wanted in our own suit, then gave him the freedom to make them come to life and tie together however he wanted.

I’m not very adventurous. Shocking, right? So I went with a five-piece suit, all in white, but told him to take whatever liberties he needed to make it tie in with Toby’s. Besides the few fittings I had while I was on the East Coast for games, I hadn’t seen the finished product until he dressed me today.

A suit has never felt so good on me. It’s comfortable and stunning. Entirely white, made of a fabric that feels like some hybrid silk, satin, and velvet. It’s just magical all on its own. The tie is a deep blue, the only pop of color besides the flower sticking out of my pocket—the same shade of blue.

However, there are personal touches that I couldn’t have even imagined. For instance, the inside of my jacket is the bisexual flag! Seriously, I nearly cried when I saw it. And when I take my jacket off, the little line of fabric that cinches the back of my vest together is deep blue—but the opposite side is also my colors.

That he understood how much it meant to me to have myself represented somewhere, even if I’m the only one who ever saw it, touched me deeply.

Also, he flushed when he handed me a matching thong. “Courtesy of Toby.” No, I’m not at all surprised. Nor that it came with a box with a plug I’m pretty sure I’m going to regret complying with before the day is over. Especially since there was a small square note inside that read, MAKE SURE THE LITTLE GREEN LIGHT IS BLINKING BEFORE YOU PUT IT IN YOUR PRETTY HOLE.

I’m terrified of what that means. Is he tracking me?

Also, my socks are white, but the tops of them are embroidered with hockey sticks and pucks. Those were a Zak pick, and I couldn’t love them more.

“All right,” I say, holding up my hands.

He’s grinning because Hugo is always smiling. I’m not sure he knows how to frown.

The first look was Toby’s idea. I’m not sure if that means he’s in a dress or not. I doubt it because he’s not that kind of guy. He loves to see me in dresses. I don’t think he’ll ever put one on. Which is fine because I don’t share that particular kink. I’ll dress that way for him, but I don’t need to see it. 

I follow Hugo to the back of the castle where the garden spreads out. There are white flowers everywhere and, of course, pops of deep blue. He brings me to the center where all the paths meet. Hugo fusses over getting me in just the right spot. I grin and let him move me the tiniest bit until he’s satisfied.

“This is so exciting,” he says, grinning like he was just gifted a puppy.

“Thank you for being a part of it,” I tell him.

Hugo’s smile softens. “I wouldn’t miss today for anything, Atty.”

I’m lucky. Believe me, I know how lucky I am. I have the best friends a guy could ever ask for. He looks over my shoulder and his eyes widen. An even broader smile spreads across his face and he backs away, putting a hand over his mouth. There are photographers—three—spread around me. I can see one in front of me, just off to the side. Another is somewhere to my right. The third is probably behind Toby.

My heart races. He’s getting close. I can tell.

We spent the night together here in the castle. After a leisurely breakfast, we went our separate ways. Toby’s friends took him to the opposite side of the castle while I stayed where we’d been with mine.

I checked out the ballroom and the gardens. Made sure that Toby’s horse, Darwin, was here and ready to cart us around the property in our carriage (with three more horses, all white). I greeted guests as they started to arrive and then meandered about while waiting for our moment to begin.

The thing is, I haven’t been nervous this entire time. There’s no doubt in my mind that Toby’s it for me. He’s the only person in this entire world that I want to spend my life with. It’s made this entire experience less stressful because I know that even if the entire day falls apart, today will still be the best day of my life. Because I get to tie myself to Toby in front of everyone important to us.

I love him. More than I can even begin to express.

So why is my heart suddenly racing and my breaths short? I know that it’s Toby behind me.

“Turn around,” Hugo says.

Swallowing, I turn.

I’m not sure what I was expecting. I agreed to a first look because Toby wanted to. But let’s face it—there’s only so many things you can do with a tux, right?

Still, my breath catches when I face him. He’s… a prince. White pants that fit like leggings at the top and then get slightly looser on the bottom. He’s wearing a jacket that only reaches the tops of his pants in the front but falls down almost to his knees in the back and buttons to his neck, the collar standing up.

The bottoms of his sleeves are folded back about five inches. There’s intricate embroidery all over his front. His entire suit is white, except the outside of the collar and the folds of his sleeves are deep blue. The embroidery is white, too, just subtly different.

Also, there’s a sword at his hip.

My mouth’s open in awe. He’s fucking remarkable. I’ve never seen anyone more stunning. This could very well be ridiculous, but he looks like a prince. He looks royal. Which makes me realize he’s wearing a crown. It’s silver and crystal, with the occasional splash of dark blue.

“You’re hot,” Toby says. His voice reminds me to inhale and I suck in a breath. “Can’t wait to take that off you and see what it looks like on the floor.”

I snort laughter and close my eyes. His hand on my chest has me opening them again. His playful smile is gone. It’s now soft. Sweet. A smile that’s only been mine. “You’re breathtaking, Atty,” he whispers.

I shake my head. “No, my prince. You are. I swear, you’re actually royalty.”

His smile climbs a little. I’m not sure where the second crown came from that’s in his hand, but he places it on my head. It sits there like it was made for me. From the quick look I got, it’s a more masculine version of what he’s wearing. Less sparkle and more silver metal.

He wraps his arms around my neck, pressing his body to mine. I’m not sure I’m worthy of touching this man right now.

“You like this?” he asks, and for the first time in the entire year I’ve known him, he sounds unsure and nervous.

“I didn’t think you could ever wear something that would make me think you’re more gorgeous than I already do, but you’ve proven me wrong. Yes, I love this. You’re stunning.”

Toby sighs and presses his lips to mine.

“No kissing until you’re married!” Hugo calls.

It’s only then that I remember there are people surrounding us. Hugo, yes, but also the photographers. And when I look toward Hugo, I see Noah, Winslow, and Egon with Toby’s bestie Jayse.

“It’s time to go in,” Egon tells us. “You ready?”

I nod. Ready to make this man my husband? Yes, definitely.

Toby steals a quick kiss again before letting me go. “Hurry up and walk down the aisle, baby girl,” he whispers. “I have a surprise for you at the end.”

“If it’s your tongue in my mouth, I’ll take it.”

The wicked look Toby gives me says that’s not it and I’m suddenly very nervous. He walks away and I’m bummed that I can’t see his ass with the way the tails of his coat fall. If the front was anything to go on—and it is a vision I’ll never forget with the way his dick is all smooshed like a trapped balloon in his tight pants—I’m definitely going to ask him to give me the whole goods on display before he takes them off.

“Ready?” Noah asks.

I nod. Together, we follow Toby and Jayse, allowing them time to get inside and do their procession down the aisle. My guys follow and I nearly cry with laughter when Hugo dances his way down the white carpet runner and daintily tosses flowers all over the place like confetti. It’s a good thing I listened to Winslow and gave him three times the amount we initially planned on.

My mother and father are waiting for me at the door. Now, I’m not the bride and I really had no intention of having a big affair of walking down the aisle, but when Hugo asked who I was having as our flower girl, I knew that he wanted to do that part.

Which meant we needed to rethink how we were doing the procession. It’s slightly awkward this way, especially when my father asked if I was having anyone walk me down the aisle. I felt like I was obligated to remind him that just because I’m marrying a man, it doesn’t mean that either of us is the girl in this relationship.

Regardless of the fact that sometimes Toby puts me in dresses and fucks me like it’s our last day on earth. No one needs to know that. Certainly not my parents.

Anyway, after talking about it with Toby, I asked my father to walk me down the aisle. Talk about a weird and really fucking awkward conversation. But he was elated and there was even a tear. Yeah, weird as hell.

Then my mother didn’t want to be left out and here we are.

Since my cousin’s wedding, we eventually had a conversation and my mother still apologizes nearly every time we speak close to a year later. I’m over the apologies. I believe her and forgive her. But she can’t help herself and every time we get together, I can see the look of remorse in her eyes.

I’m happy that my mother sought redemption and is working to right everything that had been wrong in our relationship from her pushing me and Marie together. I really love that my parents like Toby, too. My father could talk to Toby for hours and, honestly, there’s nothing better than that.

“You’re so handsome,” my mother coos. She’s smiling. There are tears in her eyes. Not that I want my mother to cry, but I appreciate that she’s so emotionally invested in my happiness now.

“Thanks, Mom.”

My father wraps his arm around my shoulders and gives me a slightly awkward one arm hug. He holds me a little longer than usual and whispers, “Toby is so much better for you. I’m really happy that you made your own future, son.”

I don’t get choked up often, but tears sting my eyes. “Thanks, Dad,” I say, trying to swallow the emotion in my own voice. I try to tell him it means a lot to me that he feels that way, but the words refuse to come out.

With my parents on either side of me, we make our way out of the castle and to the side of the yard where our ceremony is set up. There’s an enormous flower arch with white flowers and crystals raining down. In the tree line are hanging lanterns with fake candles flickering. They look like they’re floating there.

And our carriage with the horses is just off to the side.

Once my eyes meet Toby’s, I can’t look away. It’s like the day we met all over again and I’m caught in his trap. Staring. Hardly breathing.

Before I know it, we’re standing across from each other. I miss most of what the Justice of the Peace is saying, only speaking when prompted. My hands shake when Toby puts a ring on my finger and I slide his home.

Then he’s in my arms and I finally have Hugo’s blessing to kiss my husband. Our mouths don’t really move as we hold each other tightly.

He’s my husband. This man is my husband. He’s mine forever.

“I love you,” he murmurs against my mouth.

I nod because I can’t speak right now.

“I’m so excited to spend my life with you,” he says, pressing his face into my neck. There’s a bruise there from where he bit me two nights ago. It’s a little sensitive when he presses his nose against it, but it makes me grin, anyway.

“Me too,” I manage to get out. “Every day.”

“Our fairy tale doesn’t end today,” he says. “This is just the start of the next story.”

I nod, squeezing my eyes shut.

The next thing that cuts through my thoughts is when the plug in my ass starts fucking vibrating and pleasure shoots through me. My knees buckle and I nearly go down as I try to swallow a groan.

Toby chuckles, holding me on my feet. “Every. Single. Day. For the rest of our lives, Hector Atlas-Eads. I’m going to make you the happiest man alive. And you’ll have plenty of orgasms.”

“Not right now though, right?” I say on a gasp.

The vibration stops and I shudder. Fuck. Me.

He chuckles again and licks the bite mark on my neck. “Right now? No. But I promise you’ll have at least two before we leave the party.”

I whimper. Fuck.

Toby’s grinning as I stand straight again and look down at him. “Still love me?”

Resting my forehead against his, I say, “More than anything.”


Hockey 101


Look At You