All Bared


One year later

I stand in the doorway waiting for my husbands, absently twisting my wedding band. I love that it’s summer and I get to wear it all the time. For me, it’s not that it tells the world I’m taken, but it’s a reminder that I’m so fucking loved by someone—two someones—that they want to spend their lives with me. They don’t see my flaws.

Biting my lip, I watch the beach and the bodies moving in the distance. Our bungalow on Makara faces one of three nude beaches. I booked this one specifically because I know that Ethan really wanted to go to one. It’s taken me three days to gather the courage, but I’m ready.

I think.

A hand lands on my ass and softly moves up my back. I know it’s Jakub before he moves next to me. “We don’t have to do this, you know,” he says quietly.

“Yeah, I know. I’m fine with it. I don’t care what others think about it.” While it’s definitely true, I remind myself of my mantra that I’ve been repeating for days now in anticipation of this very moment. My husbands love everything about me.

Ethan steps up to my other side, pressing his lips against my temple. “I don’t need to do this, you know. It’s really not a big deal.”

I link my fingers with his and smile. “You’re right. It’s not a big deal. So, let’s go.”

We’re already naked. Over Jakub’s shoulder is our beach bag with swim trunks, drinks, towels, snacks, sunscreen, and whatever else they snuck in there. I’m really thankful that this entire place is adult-only, since I’ve been bent over at least three times outside of our room since we arrived. And that it’s not an activity against the rules, although they do request guests be discreet in ‘most locations’ on the resort.

To my husbands, that means behind a tree or laying in tall flowers. I’m not complaining.

Taking a step from our door, I hear it shut behind us and the quiet click of the lock. I take a deep breath and lead the way to the beach. My skin is already slightly red from the sun, for which I’m thankful because no one can see how badly I’m blushing right now. My skin is so fucking hot it feels like I’ve been baking all day.

I haven’t. This is the first time I’ve stepped foot outside since yesterday afternoon.

There are hundreds of people all spread out along the length of the beach. In the far distance, the way we’re headed are trees that reach a rocky shore. From that shore, a stone walk curves away from the island with a lighthouse, letting everyone know that there are rocky shallows right there.

Along the banks of the beach, several dozen feet from the water, are little umbrella huts. They’re curved, like the cover of a baby stroller. But as we found out the other day, it’s double lined and the lip can be pulled down for complete privacy, hiding us away in a bubble of canvas. When closed like that, the top of the back is mesh, letting in light and the fresh sea air.

Not going to lie, it gets stifling hot in there like that.

We choose one a few dozen feet from our bungalow. Behind these little hidey holes are chests that have resort towels in them. Ethan and Jakub gather handfuls and lay them down on the sand in such a way that it’ll be difficult for sand to work itself into uncomfortable places. Not impossible, mind you.

Jakub kisses my cheek and slaps Ethan’s ass with a loud crack before he turns for the water. Ethan glares, rubbing the bright handprint on his naked cheek. I grin, biting my lip, and watch Jakub’s bare ass move toward the water.

It’s hot. So, so hot. And muggy most of the time, too. While I prefer to take a dip in chlorinated pools, Jakub doesn’t really care and will dive into whatever body of water is close. I’m not surprised that’s his first stop.

Everyone he passes watches him go.

“Our husband is sexy as fuck. We can almost build a sandcastle with how much everyone is drooling after him,” Ethan says.

We get some glances, too. It takes a lot of effort not to fidget and hide myself, but I manage. Until I can’t take the perceived judgment and sit. I doubt anyone cares. I’m no one out here, thankfully. But I’ve heard enough comments about my dick size to last me a lifetime.

Ethan joins me. He wipes off his feet and scooches further back into the little tent before laying down. I follow, trapping his leg between mine and hiking up my knee between his legs, forcing his leg up and spreading them open. Exposing his perfectly generous, half hard cock.

I tuck my face into his neck and take a deep breath. He smells of sand, sunscreen, and Ethan. There’s also that scent of ice that hangs around. An unexplained, very cool and crisp scent.

“Doing alright?” he asks, his hand trailing down my body until he can tease my crack and hole. These fucking men. I swear.

Not that I’m complaining. Not at all.

“Yep,” I tell him. “I don’t care what anyone thinks.”

He hums. I try to ignore the way he touches me. We just finished having sex before I suggested we go to the beach. Then it was a line of manscaping, to which I kind of laughed about, though I think I took the longest.

I slide up his body a little further, giving him better access to my ass. His finger presses lightly against my hole. Parting my lips, I try to keep my breathing even.

Jakub’s shadow announces that he’s back a moment before he drips on us. I flinch at the cool water in surprise, but it definitely feels good. He joins us on the towels, pressing his face into my hair, his hand joining Ethan’s. I know it won’t be long before they’re playing for real.

I bite my lip as I contemplate how I want to bring up the next life changing conversation. Sometimes I’m very self-conscious about it because while I don’t think they’re uninterested or not ready for something I ask for, I always seem to be the one to bring these things up. It’s taken me this past year to realize it’s because they’re both entirely fine with how things are progressing naturally and kind of leave it up to fate or something to determine when the next step should come.

Apparently, I’m taking fate’s job these days.

When I proposed that we officially move in together, they were all for it. That meant me ending the lease on my apartment and moving all my shit into Ethan’s. It didn’t take long for me to determine that the apartment felt a lot smaller now that my furniture and belongings were there, too, so I suggested we find a slightly larger place.

They readily agreed.

When I told them I wanted to buy a house and not rent, they were all for it.

Honestly, they get really excited once I bring something up and I kind of laugh because sometimes I feel like they just hadn’t considered it until I put it out there. Once I do, they’re full steam ahead. I love it.

But this is a little different. This is big.

Before I can get the words out, I feel the slickness of lube between my cheeks and then a finger from each of my husbands slips inside me. Everything in me moans, my hips rocking up to take them deeper all on their own.

“I…” I begin and push out a deep breath. I don’t want to be distracted. “Remember when we talked about having a family?”

They don’t stop. Because of their positions against me, I know it’s Jakub’s finger that presses in really fucking deep and is making me grunt and suck in a breath.

“Yes,” Ethan murmurs, pressing a soft kiss to my cheek.

“I… Can we talk about that now?”

“You want a baby?” Jakub asks as he pulls his finger out.

My “yes” gets dragged out as I shudder, because he chooses to add a second finger inside me as I answer. Fuck, I love when they’re both playing with me like this. Being the center of their attention is a drug. I’m always so fucking high.

Jakub’s low growl has my dick leaking profusely. It’s the sexiest noise I’ve ever heard, and it does things to me that shouldn’t be physiologically possible. I’m pretty positive the first time I heard that sound, I came on the spot.

He reaches for Ethan’s free hand and drags it over our heads, and locks my hand over Ethan’s wrist. Then he moves Ethan’s other hand out of me, so I’m left empty. It’s not long before Jakub is pushing his cock inside me.

I gasp and groan, and shake as he does. They’re both big boys, but there’s just something about Jakub that makes me feel like he’s going to rip me in half. I love the feel of him. How filled he makes me.

“You know what I’d love?” Ethan asks, panting as he moves his hips. Jakub adjusts so his knee is pressed into Ethan’s inner thigh, rendering him completely still and unable to move at all. Ethan whines, but I know how much he loves it.

“What would you love?” Jakub asks.

“If we could put our babies in Creed and watch them grow.”

I whine like an animal because fuck if I could do that, I’d gladly take on a womb for them. The wind against my bare, sweaty body reminds me that we’re outside. There are people around. And they’re likely watching us.

A shudder of excitement races through me, and I bury my face deeper into Ethan’s neck.

Jakub groans, sinking in deep. Most of the time, we still use condoms. I’m not sure it’s always a conscious choice as much as it is a habit. One we don’t care enough about to change. But I don’t think he’s wearing one right now. The thought makes my ass clench around him.

He brings my free hand up Ethan’s chest to his nipples, silently instructing me to torture him. I mean… tease him. So I do, twirling my finger around him, twisting slightly, pinching hard. The way his hips are moving, I think Jakub’s hand must be on Ethan’s cock.

“That would be amazing,” Jakub says after another minute. He pulls himself out of me slowly, pauses when he’s completely free of my body, and then slides back in. I can’t catch my breath while he slides home. Somehow, he makes every single thrust when he does this feel like the very first penetration. My mind spins. “I’d love nothing more than to keep you home and growing our babies for the next decade, Creed.”

“Think we can donate enough to science to make that happen?” Ethan asks.

Jakub chuckles, his mouth closing over my shoulder. “No, but if it were even hinted at it being remotely possible, I’d give all my fucking money to make it happen.”

I whimper.

“You like that, Creed?” Jakub murmurs, pulling my hand from where it’s clasped around Ethan’s nipple to grip his cock instead. “You like the idea of carrying our babies? When I fill you with my cum, all our seed mingling and mixing and merging with yours to create a perfect combination of us in the form of a little human? You like that, zlato?”

“If you keep talking like that, I’m going to come right now,” I whine. I’m clenching every muscle in me to try to keep my orgasm at bay. I’m not sure which part of this is hotter. That we have Ethan immobilized underneath us while we jerk him hard enough to make the sexiest noises a man can make? Jakub’s thick dick spearing me as if I’m a kabob? I’m pretty sure he’s so deep I can feel the head of his cock get lodged in my throat on every thrust.

Or this conversation. The idea of me carrying my husbands’ children. Making children with them. Goddamn, do I want that?!

“I’m going to come,” Ethan whines, his hips giving a sudden jerk. “Fuck, I’m… I’m…”

His warning wasn’t necessary. I can feel the way his muscles clench under my body. His hand that I have trapped above his head is clenched tightly, his muscles taut. One of my favorite things ever are the sounds he makes when he orgasms. If it weren’t for the slow torture Jakub was performing in my ass right now, painstakingly slowly bringing me to the edge but never quite letting me get to the precipice, I’d have come from the sounds of Ethan’s orgasm alone.

Jakub’s other hand snakes below me and wraps around my cock. I fidget and whine when he does; releasing a constant stream of sound as he drives into me. I’m still gripping Ethan’s dick as if it’s a handle, grounding me. His groan is loud as he gasps and squirms, but he never complains. Never asks me to let go.

With Jakub working my ass, I’m nearly delirious with pleasure. My active imagination is allowing me to pretend I have a womb, and he’s filling it with his seed. Before I can even catch my breath, the world spins and I’m on my knees, Ethan’s face in my crotch. My hands don’t even have a chance to grip his hair before he swallows me down and sucks on me like he’ll find the fountain of youth spraying out of my cock.

My scream is choked off as I come hard. Every inch of my body tightens. Stars flash before my eyes. Jakub’s growl in my ear only spurs it on. He’s filling my ass now. He is. I can feel the way the hot juices slip down my legs and balls. How his rhythm halts and he slams in deep.

Ethan doesn’t stop sucking on me until I’m clawing for him to get off.

Then we collapse into a pile of sweat and cum. I’m almost desperate for a breath that I can’t quite pull in. When I finally manage a full inhale, my body becomes limp.

“You want to adopt or surrogacy?” Ethan asks.

“Surrogacy,” I say, breathless. “I want our blood in our babies.”

“Babies, huh?” Ethan asks, a smile in his voice.

I shrug. “I don’t know. One at first, probably. But yeah. Maybe.” I pause before asking, “Is that okay?”

“Anything you want, baby,” Ethan says.

“Not this time,” I say. “This really needs to be a decision we come to together.”

“We’ll talk about it over the next few weeks while we’re here,” Jakub says. “That way, by the time we get home, we’ll know in what direction we need to start researching.”

“I just… There’s one more thing,” I say. Jakub runs his fingers through my sweaty hair. “I think that I’m going to retire before our baby gets here. I think one of us should be home with them.”

“We’ll talk about that too,” Jakub says, kissing my neck softly. “You still have a lot of career left, Creed. I’m already coming to the end of mine.”

“So am I,” Ethan says.

“Maybe we just all retire,” I say.

“Maybe,” they say together. I smile and close my eyes. A baby. We’re going to have a baby.


Is Tú Mo Ghrá


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